Immersed in Alzheimer-Research
Dr Eduard Rappold, MSc is an experienced scientific researcher and a medical practitioner, who has passionately dedicated himself for decades to those suffering from dementia and geriatric patients. He was using his expertise and experience for his work at the Institute for Memory- and Alzheimer Research, an institute belonging to the Karl-Landsteiner Group led by Dr Michael Rainer, for example.
He is dedicated to improve medical care for Alzheimer’s patients and was presented with the Health Award of the City of Vienna (Gesundheitspreis der Stadt Wien) in 2003 for monitoring the nutritional status of Alzheimer’s patients. Dr Eduard Rappold developed the scientific basis for the Epigenetic Brain Protector and tested his theory empirically during his master’s degree in geriatrics.
Through his involvement in medical studies and his vast network of patients, doctors and scientists, he has persistently supported the advancement of Alzheimer’s research. He founded NUGENIS in September 2015. This company brings together science and its practical applications. He wants the greater public to profit from health innovations based on insights gained from Alzheimer’s research.
Dr Eduard Rappold has already earned international recognition for his Epigenetic Brain Protector – it was awarded the gold medal for outstanding achievements in the field of neuroprotection at the international highly regarded Fair for Innovations, iENA, in 2015.
Therapeutics That Can Potentially Replicate or Augment the Anti-Aging Effects of Physical Exercise
Adriana De Sousa Lages, Valentim Lopes, João Horta, João Espregueira-Mendes, Renato Andrade and Alexandre Rebelo-Marques [Read]
Spermidine reduces neuroinflammation and soluble amyloid beta in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Kiara Freitag, Nele Sterczyk, Sarah Wendlinger, Benedikt Obermayer, Julia Schulz, Vadim Farztdinov, Michael Mülleder, Markus Ralser, Judith Houtman, Lara Fleck, Caroline Braeuning, Roberto Sansevrin, Christian Hoffmann, Dragomir Milovanovic, Stephan J. Sigrist, Thomas Conrad, Dieter Beule, Frank L. Heppner, and Marina Jendrach [Read]
Spermidine-mediated hypusination of translation factor EIF5A improves mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and prevents non-alcoholic steatohepatitis progression
Jin Zhou, Jeremy Pang, Madhulika Tripathi, Jia Pei H,Anissa Anindya Widjaja, Shamini Guna Shekeran, Stuart Alexander Cook, Ayako Suzuki, Anna Mae Diehl ,Enrico Petretto , Brijesh Kumar Singh1 & Paul Michael Yen [Read]
Gender-related increase of tropomyosin-1 abundance in platelets of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment patients
Reumiller, CM., Schmidt, GJ., Dharami, I., Umlauf, E., Rappold, E., Zellner, M.
Journal of Proteomics (2017) (epub ahead of print) [Read]
Careful neuropsychological testing reveals a novel genetic marker, GSTO1*C, linked to the pre-stage of Alzheimer’s disease
Umlauf,E., Rappold, E., Schiller, B., Fuchs, P., Rainer, M., Wolf, B., Zellner, M.
Oncotarget 7 (26) (2016) [Read]
A platelet protein biochip rapidly detects an Alzheimer’s disease-specific phenotype
Veitinger, M., Oehler, R., Umlauf, E., Baumgartner, R., Schmidt, G., Gerner, Ch., Babeluk, R., Attems, J., Mitulović, G., Rappold, E., Lamont, J., Zellner, M.
Acta Neuropathologica 128(5) (2014) [Read]
Impact of Ademetionine Disulfate Tosylate /Vitamin B12 therapy on cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease and related biomarkers
Rappold E.
Master-These an der Donau-Universität Krems (2014)
Identification and validation of platelet low biological variation proteins, superior to GAPDH, actin and tubulin, as tools in clinical proteomics
Baumgartner, R., Umlauf, E., Veitinger, M., Guterres, S., Rappold, E., Babeluk, R., Mitulović, G., Oehler, R., Zellner, M.
Journal of proteomics 94C:540-551 (2013) [Read]
Comparative platelet proteome analysis reveals an increase of monoamine oxidase-B protein expression in Alzheimer’s disease but not in non-demented Parkinson’s disease patients
Zellner; M. , Baureder, M., Rappold, E., Bugert, P., Kotzailias, N., Babeluk, R., Baumgartner, R., Attems, J., Gerner, Ch., Jellinger, K., Roth, E., Oehler, R., Umlauf, E.·
Journal of proteomics 75(7):2080-92 (2012) [Read]
Langzeiternährungstherapie einer hochbetagten Seniorin. Positive Effekte durch die Gabe von Sondennahrung auf Basis von Lebensmittel
Rappold, E. ·
focus neurogeriatrie 3(1):16-20 (2009)
Biological Variation of the Platelet Proteome in the Elderly Population and Its Implication for Biomarker Research
Winkler, W., Zellner, M., Diestinger, M., Babeluk, R., Marchetti, M., Goll, A., Zehetmayer, S., Bauer, P., Rappold, E., Miller, I., Roth, E., Allmaier, G., Oehler, R. ·
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7(1):193-203 (2008) [Read]
Aspekte der künstlichen Ernährung bei demenzkranken Patienten in der Geriatrie
Rappold, E., Kratochvila, H. G.
Ethik in der Medizin 16(3):253-264 (2004)
Downregulation of carnitine acyltransferases and organic cation transporter OCTN2 in mononuclear cells in healthy elderly and patients with myelodysplastic syndromes
Karlic, H., Lohninger, G., Laschan, C., Lapin, A., Böhmer, F., Huemer, M., Guthann, E., Rappold, E., Pfeilstöcker, M.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 81(7):435-42 (2003) [Read]
Treatment of polymorphous light eruption with nicotinamide: a pilot study
Neumann, R., Rappold, E., Pohl-Markl, H.
British Journal of Dermatology 115(1):77-80 (1986) [Read]